Sunday, June 1, 2014

Blog 1: 2-Hour Presentations

1.  What presentations did you see?
The presentations I saw were:
Social Work for Abuses, Teaching Elementary, Soccer, Suicidal Youth, Teaching 1st Grade, Boxing, Beauty Salon, Photography Studio, Angioplasty, Engineering, Counseling, Cancer Advocacy, Teaching Kindergarten, Marriage & Family Therapy, Party Planning, and Animal Care.

2.   What questions do you have that haven't been answered about the senior project? This can be about the senior project in general, any components or about a presentation topic you saw or what they said. 

  Most of my questions have been answered throughout the year about senior presentation whether it was asking my peers or teachers. The one question I have regarding senior project that I would like to be answered is "What are the individual components that make up senior project as a whole?". At i-Poly there's always smaller projects that lead up to create the bigger picture; how do the senior teachers help with this in their students senior project?

3. What has been the most important part of the senior project based on what you are seeing in the 2-hour presentations?

I believe attaining a good mentor is the most essential to senior project. From what I observed, mentors help the most aside from the senior teachers in giving students good information to work with and an experience needed in order to complete senior project. Mentors guide students throughout the year to assist them in understanding the topic the have specifically chosen.

4. What topic are you considering doing and why?
There are 2 topics I am interested in doing next year and that would be either Social Work or Entrepreneurship. I've always been interested in social work and although I may not pursue it for my career, I feel as if though becoming a social worker is an amazing way to help those who may not be as fortunate. I love to help people so doing my senior project on social work may be the right choice for me. My other choice, entrepreneurship, would be very helpful to me later on in life since this is what I want to become. Owning my own business is what I strive for. I believe if I become fully aware of all that goes into becoming a successful entrepreneur now, it will be easier later down the road for me. The more information I gather about my dream career, the better. 

5. What are you doing for your summer mentorship?
For my summer mentorship I am hoping to do some work with my aunt who is a social worker. Work during the summer with her would most likely include lots and lots of paperwork, but if I decide on pursuing this topic for the rest of the year I hope I would be in more hands-on situations. She would be my #1 choice as a mentor if Social Work is what I choose as my topic. I would also like to do some hours with my dad's boss who owns her own real estate business, which is kind of like entrepreneurship. Although running a real estate business isn't exactly my cup of tea, I think gathering information on what is it like to run your own business and what are the essentials in doing so will be very valuable information.