1. Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
My plan for Independent Component 1, was actually suggested by Mr. Piggott. My topic is Business Management, more specifically, managing a boutique. My vision for Independent Component 1 would be to set up my own online boutique. This online boutique would sell clothes that others may have outgrown, or may not like anymore. The person who is selling their item(s) will of course, receive money if somebody decides to purchase what they are selling. Pictures will be posted of what the clothing/accessory item is and who is the owner. People will send me information on the product they are interested to buy, and will be sold from me. Since the selling will be done through my online boutique, I would also be making some profit off of it. Hence, running my own business. I would like to go around to each Senior class, and perhaps even the lower grades to ask if any students would like to sell their unwanted clothes through my boutique. Since this is my first time creating a business of any kind, I would keep it very small, limiting the customers to I-Poly students. This will make the business easier to run and customers easier to track.
2. Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
Creating a website, moreover, creating a website that functions properly and how I want it to function will definitely take most of the 30 hours. The rest of the time will be met through managing the website and business I created. The website will be constantly running, as will the business and keeping track of clothes, customers and money will be very time consuming. I would like to also speak to my mentor as to how she runs her website to I can gain more knowledge on how to run business professionally online. This will count as extra hours with my mentor, adding to make the total amount of 30 hours.
3. And explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
Managing my own mini-business will definitely give me more insight on how business management works. Although I will learn a lot through observing how my mentor runs her business, I feel if I get first hand experience it will help me realize what work goes into a functioning business. My mentor previously said to me that besides her boutique, she takes orders and delivers them to her customers who may find her store a bit far. This is basically what I will be doing, except on a website. If she provides me with information on how she does just that, it will advance my learning on managing a business not only in stores, but what work goes into managing it outside of the store.
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